Still Faithful or Nah?

It might seem that believing in a higher power, living a life of faith is a journey that never wavers. Maybe some might think it’s a very straight & clear path that if you wander, you can’t get too far.

But what happens when you’re on your journey and your eyes begin to drift off to the trees, the clouds, or suddenly you find thunder striking above? What if the wind is so strong it blows that map right out of your hand. I mean in this case, to make it more relatable, what if your phone gets blown out of your hand and rolls into a big puddle of water?! Shit, now what do I do? Now how do I know if I am going in the right direction?

You feel lost. You feel alone. You get depressed. You suddenly question ”Is God really there? Is He even listening to me anymore? Oh man what are people going to think of me now?! What do I think of me? Who am I and how did I get here?”

As for me and my house, we serve the Lord, yes! But as for me and my own self…I have had many moments of doubt, moments where I doubted my own faith in God. Moments where I have felt alone and wondered how did I lose myself?

I know there are many Christians out there who probably gasped reading that. But those who are brutally honest with themselves just nodded in agreement with me. This probably resonated with not just Christians but anyone living of a life of faith, anyone wanting to believe that there is good in the world, anyone wanting to just believe in something, anything to make it through life.

Relax and sit back, because this is where shit gets real. Oh yea, I like to cuss a little too. So if you were looking for a model Proverbs 31 woman, close the tab and google search again. I am far from that model but very well aware that this is who God intended for me to be so I can share a stripped version of my faithful journey.

I am more than willing to share it with those willing to be open minded to the idea that perfection (in any sense) really is non existent.

I have openly shared about my heartbreak, that WOW I can’t believe has now been 8 years since I got knocked on my ass after falling foolishly in love and had to figure out how to get back up! It’s been 7 years since I shared a deep scar I carried around for years by a life altering choice.

Ready to hear all about what has happened since then? Here we go, I am faithfully walking in my truth and I want to share with you how I have made my faith an unshakeable faith.

Subscribe some where down below to get my weekly posts sent to your inbox and join me on this journey where I had to drop to my knees, get my hands all muddy and pick my phone back up to dial God and ask Him to pick me back up!

Faithfully (hmmm) hanging on,


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