Get to know me, Faithfully Lupe

Letting go of the steering wheel & letting God take over to guide me down the path that will lead me to Heaven.

I’ve always believed in God. There was never doubt about it for me. But what I didn’t know was how to let Him guide me. I think it’s easy for people to look at me and call me the “church girl.” But being Faithful is so much more than going to church and saying you believe. Over the last few years I said I was going to do great things and change my selfish ways. But somehow I always failed. I failed because even deciding to abandon my selfish ways, I had selfish motives for doing so. I wanted people to like me, I wanted people to see me as a good person. I quickly learned that I could not make changes for myself. I am here to serve and share faith with others!

I want people to know I am in no way perfect. But I don’t want them to look at me and see me, I want them to see God’s love through me. I have grown to be a stronger, focused woman and only because I allowed God to lead. My faith would not be where it is today, had I not.

And here I am using the God given ability through my unique flare of writing creatively and dramatically to remind YOU and hopefully inspire YOU, to navigate your own journey and live a life of faith.

Faithfully Living & Loving,


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